Ms. Sarah

Hi! My name is Ms. Sarah, and I am a fourth-grade teacher. I am a recent Chicago transplant, as of August 2023. I moved to Chicago from Memphis, Tennessee, where I lived for ten years. I love Chicago so far and am even adjusting to the snow! I received my Bachelor's Degree in Public Relations in 2013 from Mississippi College and completed my Master's Degree in Elementary Education this June 2023.

I worked for five years as a writer and an editor in the marketing/ communications/ public relations sector. Over time, I longed for a different type of work, which I could tangibly notice positive impacts from my daily work.

I began substitute teaching, and l found that I enjoyed being with children and loved being in a classroom. I was later hired as an assistant teacher and then decided to go to graduate school for elementary education. I have worked at public, private, and charter schools. I love pairing my writing and editing background with my classroom instruction.

As a child, excellent teachers helped me develop a passion for writing, and I hope to do the same for my students. I always aim to challenge my students. I love watching them realize the challenges that they are capable of facing.

I believe children grow and learn the most in places of challenge. This quote encompasses my philosophy of education and my hope for my students: "Learning is not attained by chance; it must be sought for with ardor and attended to with diligence."—Abigail Adams.

I enjoy learning about how my students learn because they are all very different and have a variety of learning styles. Watching one of my students "get it" and discovering how they process information is always rewarding. Outside of school, I enjoy yoga, biking, trying new restaurants, and spending time with my dog, Ellie.

I am excited about the many different kinds of students JAM Teaching will allow me to work with!

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