If you are a teacher or specialist and enjoy working with children, JAM Teaching and Consulting is the place for you!
to share about yourself, your experiences, and your training.
and share your experiences, teaching style, and references.
and be considered to tutor with one of our many amazing families.
If there is a potential family pairing, the JAM team will reach out to you and share details about what the family is looking for and see if you are interested.
JAM Teaching and Consulting takes care of the contract for the family and facilitates the hourly rate between you and the family. You can enjoy working with as few or as many families as you like!
JAM completes the invoicing and billing process for you. As a JAM Teaching and Consulting contract tutor, you have the opportunity to attend one of our many JAM Development (professional development) opportunities and connect to a fantastic team of professionals!
Set up a meeting with a team member to learn more!