Ensuring a Smooth Summer for Neurodiverse Children

Summer can be challenging for neurodiverse children or those with learning differences due to changes in routines and schedules. At JAM Teaching and Consulting we offer strategies to support your child and help them thrive this summer. Here are a few!

1. The Power of Routine. Establishing a consistent daily routine, even with a flexible summer schedule, is crucial for neurodiverse children. Regular wake-up times, meals, and bedtimes provide a much-needed sense of stability, helping them cope with the changes that summer brings.

2. Use Visual Schedules Visual schedules outline daily activities, helping children understand what to expect and reducing transition anxiety.

3. Sensory-Friendly Activities A Summer Delight. Incorporating sensory-friendly activities such as water play, sand play, or using sensory bins can make the summer a calming and enjoyable experience for neurodiverse children. These activities cater to their unique sensory needs, providing a much-needed break from the usual routine.

4. Utilize Social Stories Social stories prepare your child for new experiences or changes in routine. They help children understand and cope with upcoming events.

5. Create a Calm-Down Corner Designate a calm-down corner with comforting items like soft toys, weighted blankets, and calming visuals. Please encourage your child to use this space when they need a break.

6. Implement Positive Reinforcement Use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviors. Celebrate successes and progress, no matter how small.

7. Prepare Camp Leaders If your child is attending summer camp, proactive communication with camp leaders and counselors can set them up for success. Provide a written summary of your child's strengths, needs, and any required accommodations. Arrange a meeting with camp staff before camp starts to discuss your child's needs and answer any questions. Ensure camp leaders know what to do in an emergency or if your child becomes overwhelmed. Regularly communicate with camp staff to monitor your child's progress and promptly address any concerns.

Supporting your child's unique needs during the summer can help them feel secure and confident. Let's work together to make this a joyful and fulfilling summer for every child.
