Managing Anxiety in School Settings

Anxiety in school settings is a common issue that can affect a child’s ability to learn and enjoy school. As a parent, there are several ways you can help your child manage and overcome school-related anxiety:

  1. Establish a Calm Morning Routine: Mornings can set the tone for the entire day. Start the day with a predictable and calm routine. Ensure your child has enough time to wake up, eat breakfast, and prepare for school without rushing. A quiet start helps reduce anxiety and sets a positive mood for the day.

  1. Teach Breathing Exercises and Mindfulness Techniques: Simple breathing exercises, like deep belly breathing, can help children calm themselves when anxious. Mindfulness techniques, such as focusing on the present moment, can also be helpful. Practice these techniques at home so your child feels comfortable using them at school.

  1. Communicate with Teachers: Make sure your child’s teacher knows their anxiety. This allows the teacher to provide support and create a safe environment in the classroom. Teachers can also give you feedback on how your child copes during the day, which can help you better support them at home.

  1. Encourage Open Communication: Let your child know it’s okay to talk about their feelings. Encourage them to express what’s making them anxious and listen without judgment. Reassure them that feeling nervous is regular and that you’re there to help them work through it.

  1. Provide Reassurance: Remind your child that school is a safe place and they have the skills to handle their anxiety. Positive affirmations and encouragement can help boost their confidence.

Implementing these strategies can help your child manage their anxiety, making school a more positive and enjoyable experience. Reach out to JAM Teaching and Consulting for more ways to help your child!
